Archive for the ‘HDTV’ Category

Goodbye HD DVD, it was fun while it lasted

Saturday, February 16th, 2008

So it finally appears that the format war is over and while the outcome is what I expected, I’m left feeling a little sad. Sure I knew it would end and I knew someone would win, but I’m sad because HD DVD’s interactive features worked so well and maybe if the two camps would’ve gotten together before hand consumers would’ve been better off if both BD-J and HDi were part of the BD spec.

As odd as this might seem, I really enjoyed watching it all play out. With each announcement was a new debate and although I always thought Blu-ray would win because it has more industry support, HD DVD did have me wondering a few times.

In the end, I believe the consumer would be better served if HDi was added to the BD spec. I doubt this will ever happen, but I think it would be a nice option for the studios, especially when you consider that Warner still says a few titles like The Matrix Trilogy isn’t available on Blu yet because of where BD-J is.

Why the Apple TV still sucks

Thursday, February 14th, 2008


If you follow me on Twitter, then you probably saw that I’m not happy with the Apple TV 2. While I couldn’t wait to get the Apple TV, I wait with baited breath for every update to see if I will actually get the main feature that I bought the stupid thing for. No it’s not the video, the quality just can’t compare to Blu-ray so I’m not interested, the thing I really wanted, was a way to enjoyable look at my photos on my 60-inch plasma. Sure my TV has a memory card slot, as does my Blu-ray player, but I said enjoyably. This hasn’t been the case for the Apple TV in the past and it’s not the case with that latest update. To sum up my issue with the Apple TV’s photo experience, I’d like to share a little IM chat I had with my friend Tyler from Format War Central.

Tyler: so the apple tv still sucks?
me: I’m just bitter that they didn’t fix my biggest grip about the photos
Tyler: what do you mean?
me: go to photos on your iphone and select an album, you see thumbnails of all your photos right?
Tyler: yeah
me: If you hit play you can watch a slide show right?
me: how often do you watch the slide show and how often do you just thumb through your pics?
Tyler: never watch a slide show
me: well on the ATV, you can only watch a slide show
Tyler: thats retarded
me: so even though you can browse all your movies and tv shows with thumbnails filling the screen, you can’t look at your pictures with that UI
which makes it useless

So how about it Apple? Can we please browse our own photos like we’ve been able to in iPhoto, the original iPod Photo and the iPhone? And just like we can browse movies and TV shows on the Apple tV? Is that really too much to ask?

Being quoted never gets old

Friday, January 18th, 2008

HMM_11808_1_sm.pngIf I was famous, then I’d probably get sick of being quoted, but since I’m not even Internet famous, it never gets old. This is the third time my new best friend Chris Tribby has quoted me in Home Media Magazine and I’m glad he feels my opinion is worthy for print. This weeks edition includes an article — on the front page mind you — titled “Web Enthusiasts Abuzz After Warner’s Blu Move” which discusses Engadget HD’s commenters (among others) reaction to Warner going Blu, so once again if it wasn’t for our readers — even the ones who hate me — I wouldn’t be anything. So thanks.


Finally the Slingbox I’ve been waiting for

Friday, January 4th, 2008

I’ve been giving Dave Zatz a hard time cause Sling hasn’t made a real SlingBox HD since he started working for them. Now according to Dave, they added the Slingbox HD pro just for me and with component passthrough and an ATSC and QAM tuner, I couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait to see how it streams 1080i throughout my house and across my FiOS connection, but I have to wait at least till Q3, but maybe longer.

Now if they’d just make a ATSC RF-Modulator, then I’d be really happy. Ohh and a iPhone client.

Chris Tribbey is my new best friend

Saturday, December 29th, 2007

Web Rumors 1Seeing your name in print never gets old and for the second time Chris Tribbey from Home Media Magazine has found my opinion fit to print, and that’s why he’s my new best friend. The article was in the December 30th edition and is titled Web Rumors. So if you find the format war interesting, I’d suggest you check it out.

Web Rumors 2

Thanks Chris!

It’s always good to see my name in print

Friday, November 16th, 2007

Home Media Magazine1Being a member of the new media, I usually give members of old media a hard time. Mostly it’s because they don’t know how to leverage their content online to make information more available while at the same time making them more money. But that aside, I still like to see my name in print — even when they get they get my title wrong.

In this week’s edition of Home Media Magazine, I’m quoted in the piece about format war fanboys. Personally, I think they’re hilarious, but others take them very seriously. Either way I appreciate being included.

Home Media Magazine Quote

Never knew how good I had it

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

I’ve been fascinated with a few different technologies, and while HDTV is my current hobby, my first was car audio. The little town where I grew up didn’t have a car audio shop of any kind, so we would drive over to West Palm Beach, FL to a little place called Audio Advisors. They had the most high end gear around and the best employees. Their installation team was award winning and I learned a lot from my long talks their sales people. To me it was just my closest audio shop, but here it is now fifteen years later and they are still being recognized for their excellence. Although I couldn’t care much less about car audio now, I’m sure they are up on the latest home automation and theater gear and I’m sure I could still learn quite a few things from them.

Catch me tonight on the channel ten’s 11 O’clock news

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007


My friend Bryan Schneider from knows someone from just about every local TV channel in the Tampa Bay area, so when they asked him to help out with a segment about HDTV, he asked me to help ’em out. Unfortunately for Bryan, although he helped them, they didn’t use any of his quotes. They did used plenty of mine though, and I was very pleased with the quotes that they choose to use and think they did a very good job of educating the public.

If you’re in the Tampa Bay area you can catch in to channel 10 news, otherwise you can click the image and watch it on their website, or you can just read the transcript here.

Thanks Bryan!

Finally bought a new HDTV

Monday, August 27th, 2007


Wow, its been a full month since I’ve posted, I have no excuse, just been lazy. I’m pretty excited to write up this one ’cause I haven’t bought a new HDTV in a long long time. I bought my first HDTV in the summer of 2003 and have owned a total of three HDTVs. It’s very hard for me not to buy a new one every year, but luckily I have enough other desires to keep me busy. At CES 07, the second I saw the Pioneer 8th generation plasma demo, I knew that was going to change. I just couldn’t get over how big of a step these new TVs were compared to anything I’d ever seen before. I had to wait almost 9 months to get one in my house, but on Friday I received my new 60″ 1080p PDP-6010FD Plasma from Plasma concepts. After some debate I ended up with a nice wall mount and a new piece of furniture to put my center channel on. Eventually there will be a full review on EngadgetHD, but for now, all I can say is WOW! This thing is really a sight to see and if you haven’t seen one yet, you have to make it to your local retailer and you’ll understand why the new Kuro line is the new standard in HDTVs.

Check out all the pics.

If you decide to buy one too, hook me up and buy the Pioneer KURO PDP-6010FD 60″ 1080p Plasma HDTV from Amazon.

Finally: FIOS in Riverside Hieghts

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

FIOS available

Way back at the end of 2006, I noticed that a crew was laying fiber optic cable in my neighborhood and got excited. Seven months later and still no fiber, but the day has finally come. Almost 8 months since they started and four months after the crews left our hood, and it is finally available. Not sure what took so long, but we’ll see how the install goes this Saturday. I’m looking forward to nine more HD channels and doubt I’ll miss MOJO or Versus/Golf HD (which I really don’t get anyways).