
I’m an HDTV fan and I started writing for HD Beat in January ’06, then later HD Beat was converted into Engadget HD. While I love writing for Engadget — and about HD in general — sometimes I have more to say, so I say it here. As you can see, I don’t spend that much time here, but I have my moments.

Quoted by: Home Media Magazine and PC World.

Apeared on: Tampabay’s 10 News.

4 Responses to “About”

  1. Dominic says:

    An interesting dated article depicting why Intel and M$ picked HD – DVD, that blu-ray was “nowhere in sight”…


  2. Ben,

    I just read your handy article http://www.engadgethd.com/2007/08/30/what-it-takes-to-produce-an-hd-newscast/

    Please note that every SMPTE® digital format designation includes a hyphen, e.g., D-5. These are standards and have to appear consistently.

    I hope you can submit these changes without any trouble.


    -J.P. Weiksnar
    Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers®, Rochester Section

  3. How can one contact you via email?

  4. Justin says:

    Hi Ben, I notice you stated you have invites for hulu on the 8th. By any chance you still have one? I would be greatly appreciative!

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