How to tell an Xbox 360 is a Jasper

Although the 360 has pretty much looked the same since its launch, Microsoft has actually changed the core a few times and the latest chipset is code named Jasper. To you and me what this really means is that it works just like the older 360 but with less power, noise and fewer incidents of RRoD — in theory.

Since the Jasper model looks identical to the older 360 you have to know what to look for to tell you have/are buying one. There are a few ways to identify it, but the most dependable is to look at the power requirements, which are printed on the serial number sticker on the back. While the older models required 14.2 amps, the Jasper only draws 12.1 amps. Now the great news is that you can actually see this sticker without opening the box by looking through the hole for the barcode sticker.

First look through this hole.


This is a falcon, notice it is labeled 14.2 amps.


This is the Jasper, it is labeled 12.1 amps.


These pictures were from an older Engadget post.

According to my kill-a-watt, the Jasper 360 only uses 90 watts while in Media Center mode, while the Falcon uses about 108. It is noticeably quieter than the Falcon as well, but still not silent enough to be in my home theater. The PSU makes some of the noise and the Jasper will work with the older PSU or a newer one (the newer one won’t work on the Falcon). Not sure if there is any way to tell which PSU is included when you buy it, but the one I bought had the older style PSU.

I’ll be honest. Part of the reason I wrote this was because I went looking for this information today and couldn’t easily find it via Google. So I figured I’d Google juice the title and drive traffic while at the same time help those in need find this information. And besides, it’s been way to long since I wrote anything here.

22 Responses to “How to tell an Xbox 360 is a Jasper”

  1. […] Mashable,,, AndroidCommunity; Engadget and, are reporting How to tell an Xbox 360 is a Jasper – 07/04/2009 Although the 360 has pretty much looked the same since its launch, … […]

  2. […] How to tell an Xbox 360 is a Jasper – Since the Jasper model looks identical to the older 360 you have to know what to look for to tell you have/are buying one. There are a few ways to identify it, but the most dependable is to look at the power requirements, which are printed on the serial number sticker on the back. While the older models required 14.2 amps, the Jasper only draws 12.1 amps. Via @bjdraw on Twitter. Similar Posts Disappearing Extenders and the Next Wave […]

  3. Andrew says:

    Ben, the trouble is…you generally cannot see the numbers through the small window. I know…I’ve tried.

    • Ben Drawbaugh says:

      That’s odd, when I bought my latest one I was able to verify it was a Jasper before I took it to the counter.

  4. Jonathan says:

    I bought one about a month ago and I was looking through the little hole just like the picture showed. Only, I didn’t know about the Amp rating difference.. I was told the clue was the manufactured date. I don’t have the link anymore. I think your way is definately more accurate. I’m not sure how many facilities they have producing them and which ones are up-to-date blah blah blah. I got lucky. Did yours have 256MB internal storage or 512MB. More internal storage is included in the newest additions.

  5. Nate says:

    I had to go through 3 or 4 units on the shelf before I could find one that was readable, and then I had to shake the box a little to shuffle the unit in the box over enough to get it to where I could read the rating. Definitely quieter but like Ben said, not enough to be quiet enough for home theater use. Since I bought this one as an extender, I stashed it into a dresser on which sits my bedroom TV, vented the back with a saw and drill.

    I monitored the temp in the dresser with the doors closed and I’m well below 80 degrees in there … you just have to make sure all the hot air pumping out the back of the unit leave the enclosure. This means that you’re still going to hear the fans, but it’s now an acceptable level.

  6. […] If you buy a 360 made this year it should have the jasper chip which supposedly fixed the heat issue, that caused the Red Ring of Death. So if you buy one, buy a new one. I have a 2009 version with the Jasper chip and have had no problems.

  7. DigitalHero says:

    I found a jasper easily by looking at the power rating as shown in the picture above.

    (Obtained Jasper July 26, 2009)

  8. Jim says:

    Good man! thanks Ben!

  9. Ammar says:

    help!!i have an xbox 360 elite(120 GB) and it was manufactured in september 2007 the amp you are talking about,my xbox require 16.5A,i faced the ring of death and i fixed it and its working now for 5 months till now but all the peple at the gamestore told me today to buy the new one which is jasper but i told them that i want to keep my 120GB hard disk they agreed to take it and i take a new jasper and pay some extra money and the new one is manufactured in september 2009 so help tell me to complete the deal or not and tell me if it has any problems please!thxx alot

  10. rahul says:

    i have a pro 60 gb.manufactured in it a falcon or a jasper chip?

  11. arvin says:

    tnx for the info

  12. steve says:

    thanks, ben. just got an elite 360 from it is, indeed, a jasper. cool!

  13. Amy says:

    Thanks so much Ben! I got a great deal on and got lucky that it is a Jasper! I would not have known what an awesome deal it was without you!

  14. muddy says:

    well just got a random 360 from a shop, got a jasper from just luck πŸ™‚

  15. Amy says:

    Hey Ben.

    I have a question. The ‘Jaspers’ that people are on about aren’t anything to do with the Xbox 360 Elite are they?

    I’ve had my Xbox 360 Elite for over 2 years now and there’s no hint of RROD (now I’ve said that no doubt it will die….) and was wondering if the RROD issue even affects Xbox 360 Elites?

  16. Stacy says:

    Hey Amy , I have a Elite it’s DOB is 01/19/07 its a Falcon and its a POCrap. 3 RROD (with 2 diffrent codes) in less than a yr. It was bought used (Ebay lol) so the seal was breached. My question is , other than power supply how does the Jasper differ from the Falcon ? I hear less likely of RROD but is this accurate ? If I were to buy lets say the new Elite bundle out with the 2 games is there a chance I could still get a falcon. They lock the boxes up so Its hard to see. They take the console from locked drawer straight to the register. Thanks Ben for this info. Awesome. I’m sick of the RROD snake bite.

  17. Bob says:

    Ok so I am totally confused. I just sold an xbox 360 elite with a date code of March 10, 2010 but the label says it uses 16.5 amps. I potential buyer told me from the manufacture date that it had to be jasper. but the amps do not confirm that. We had sent our unit in to microsoft and this newer one is what they sent us back. So does anyone know which chip this is?

  18. newbie says:

    thanks to the guy who seen there wasnt to many info sites on google and decided to post this to help people determine if there xbox’s are fine or not!! same here i couldnt find anything untill i seen this on google and was able to determin my xbox360 elite modern warfare edition was fine thank you again!… and to anyone who has a modern warfare edition xbox 360elite you are all set they were made 2009 with jasper cool man i was blessed

  19. andi chelsea fc says:

    excellent site, i indeed have a jasper boyakasha.

  20. Shroud says:

    Just picked up a used Jasper 360 from my work. I didn’t know about the amp differences, but… I figured that there’s no reason for Microsoft to be manufacturing older generation 360ies after the new ones have come out, so… All of you have have gotten your 360 that was manufactured in ’09-’10 that’s not a Vejle…it’s a Jasper.

  21. dishbreak says:

    Happy to report your Google juice is still working. +2 karma to you. πŸ™‚ Thanks!